No. 3141 Neg.: 1-8901 Pos.: 2-10587 Length: 800 ft.MS Allied POW"s unloading from back of "commie" ambulance.MS Top section of HRS-1 with rotors turning.HA LS Medical tents at Freedom Village; ambulance passes down dirt road.LS HTL-3 coming in and landing in back of tents at Freedom Village.HA MLS Soldiers erecting road directions.HA MS Ambulance coming into Freedom Village.HA LS POW"s getting out of ambulance; many observers gathered around.HA MLS Jeeps and ambulances coming thru gate.HA MLS American POW returnees unloading from back of ambulance; observers in FG.QUALITY GOOD (All)MLS POW"s in back of ambulances; band playing in BG; spectators in FG.HA MLS Ambulances coming into compound; jeeps parked along side of road.MS HA American POW"s unloading from back of ambulance; PAN as the returnees go into building.GV American POW"s in back of ambulances (SV).HA MLS Prisoners marching past.MCU Ambulance passing and entering Freedom Gate Compound.HA MLS POW"s unloading from back of ambulance; GEN MAXWELL D. TAYLOR & SECARMY ROBERT T.B. STEVENS observing (SV).HA LS POW"s walking into frame building; spectators watching.HA MLS POW"s unloading from back of ambulance being greeted by SECARMY STEVENS.MS HTL, with wounded POW"s in litters on side.HA CU Litter patients.HA LS Ambulance passing.HA LS Ambulances entering Freedom Village; large frame building in BG (SV).LS POW"s getting out of ambulance; many spectators watching.QUALITY GOOD (All)HA MCU Interview of FRANK NOEL<*>, returned AP photographer, who was captured by Communists in Chongjin Reservoir area, Nov., 1950.HA MS POW, with makeshift crutch, being interviewed.MCU POW interviewed; woman correspondent in BG.MCU Negro POW being interviewed.HA MS Nisei POW being interviewed by a Chaplain.HA LS Freedom Village; hills in BG.MCU POW"s unloading from back of ambulance; they then go over to HRS-1 "copter.CU POW"s boarding HRS-1 "copter; "copter taking off.LS HRS-1 in flight; hills in BG.CU Sign, "Welcome Back to 13th Helicopter Co."No. 3316 Neg.: 1-7957 Pos.: 2-8326 Length: 1000 ft.(There are many views of FRANK NOEL<*>, the captured AP photographer. He is seen talking with his friends and other UN war correspondents.)QUALITY GOOD (All)No. 3322 Neg.: 1-7423 Pos.: 2-8073 Length: 1000 ft.There are close-up"s and medium close-up"s of two American Negro POW"s (not further identified), being interviewed by an unidentified newsman.(See preceding footnote of No. 3316; apparently, FRANK NOEL, the AP photographer, is seen in a number of interviews.)No. 3326 Neg.: 1-7422 Pos.: 2-7992 Length:1000 ft.Details of the interviews of No. 3326 are as follows:The first group are: CALVIN HURD (not identified) except as to State (Kansas, Great Bend) (at the left); GEORGE M. NEAL<*>, ADAN, USN, Helicopter Sqdn. No. 2, Detachment No. 41 (from Ohio).The second group (L to R) are: ALLEN WASHINGTON (from Louisiana, New Liberia); CHARLES MORGAN, JR. (from California, L.A.); and ROSCOE SIBLEY (from Arkansas, Crossett). These POW"s are not identified except as to States; the interviewer is LOU CHIOFFI, CBS.There are shots, too, of wounded So. Korean POW"s, who were returned in trucks.<*>NEAL was captured (10/7/53) having been shot down while attempting to rescue a downed pilot (10/3/53).